REICE 2015 - Volume 13, No 3
Education for Intercultural Citizenship. What happens in Conservatories?

Music specialists trained in Conservatories share a lack both general and specific teaching. Beyond the fact that a specific didactic training would be required to attend a specialist who will have among its teaching job possibilities, neither are trained to meet the multicultural reality of the Spanish classroom. This item has a detailed match the curricula of the Spanish Conservatories, to show how teacher training is limited at best cases, to the specific of instrumental teaching comparative analysis. The curriculum comparison served as the basis for a proposal from the different matters of the Superior music curriculum, could be applied in classrooms without more complicated legislative changes approved outside the center itself. The issue of care for multiculturalism is not considered significant, since it was not included in the development of the surveyed programs. In this situation, the above mentioned comparative and reflective analysis led to the development of proposals that could be included in the different subjects, thus to ensure attention to cultural diversity in the classroom and future work for Conservatory.

Key words
Music, Interculturality, Conservatoire, Musical education.
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Bernabé Villodre, M.M. (2015). Formación para la Ciudadanía Intercultural. ¿Qué sucede en los Conservatorios Superiores? REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 13(3), 21-36.
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