REICE 2015 - Volume 13, No 3
Teacher and Student Opinion on the Implementation, Use and Results of ICT in Primary Education. Evaluation of a School

Since the emergence of “Web 2.0” in the early twenty-first century, we are witnessing a revolutionary step in the world of communication and access to technological resources, we are enabling the use of pedagogical tools, by a large majority of innovative teachers, concerned with updating and educating new ICT skills to students. The aim of this study is to obtain an overview of the teachers and students’ views in the process of implementation, use and results of ICT. To do this we consider the case of a primary school, located in the city of Huelva, Andalusia (Spain). A sample of 296 students in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th levels in Primary Education and 39 teachers. We have applied measurement scales submitted to reliability analysis and construct validity. We performed a general descriptive analysis and bivariate analysis through the X2 test. Significant relationships were also obtained between the uses that teachers perform using ICTs and the results obtained after incorporating ICTs. It is highlighted the impact that ICTs produce in students’ participation, motivation, communication and involvement and the benefits in students’ achievements.

Key words
ITC, Teacher training, Primary education.
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Conde Vélez, S., Ávila Fernández, J.A., Núñez Sánchez, L., & Mirabent Martínez, M.D. (2015). Opinión del profesorado y alumnado sobre la implantación, uso y resultados de las TIC en Educación Primaria. Evaluación de un centro. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 13(3), 57-75.
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