REICE 2015 - Volume 13, No 3
Emotional Competences in the Childhood Education Teacher Training

The initial teacher training should include the development of emotional competence, so it is crucial to improve the quality education. Thus, you must facilitate the development of skills to evaluate oneself, recognize and manage their own as well as other’s emotions. This research evaluates the level of self-realization and personal fulfillment of students of Early Childhood Education Degree from the Catholic University of Murcia (n=183). To do this, it has been used a descriptive methodology, carrying out data collection through technical survey. The instrument used was the "Questionnaire Self-concept and Realization" (AURE) in order to analyze key content to the construct "self-realization". Participants show favorable levels in self-realization and personal fulfillment; optimistic results are shown to students and those who have agreed to Grade vocation, influence of a family involved in teaching or to get job stability. It t supports the importance of developing a "mindfulness" program in the initial training teachers; practice pursues happiness, positive emotions, physical and mental endurance and more satisfying relationships.

Key words
Teacher professional development, Self-realization, Emotional intelligence, Childhood Education.
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Pegalajar Palomino, M.C., & López Hernáez, L. (2015). Competencias emocionales en el proceso de formación del docente de Educación Infantil. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 13(3), 95-106.
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