REICE 2015 - Volume 13, No 4
Educational Supervision: a Complex, Ethical and Necessary Profession

This paper makes a wide route about the access, initial and permanent training, functions and competences of educational supervision from the approach of its ethical and compromised application. It´s not just a legal or technical gaze of the supervision, but a glance specially related with the implications that its performance has in practice, both in Educational Administration as in the direct work of visiting schools. Both the training of supervisors as the responsibilities that they assume in the qualified systemic development, involve an exemplary commitment they can´t neglect, as their appropriate action has an important impact on the daily work of a good number of teaching professionals, as well as in the improvement of educational quality, through the action they exert with the educational executives. Therefore, the article approaches topics highly relevant for contemporary society in all levels. In this occasion, the author makes special emphasis on the responsibility of supervision like model of ethical behavior within the educational system.

Key words
Supervision, Ethics, Moral, Educational commitment, Training of supervisors.
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Reyzábal, M.V. (2015). La supervisión educativa: una profesión compleja, ética e imprescindible. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 13(4), 21-33.
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