REICE 2015 - Volume 13, No 4
Decalogue of the Education Inspector Professional Competencies

In this article, we will present the professional competences of the inspectors that are necessary in order to contribute to high quality educational standards within the schools and educational institutions they supervise. We will differentiate between general competences, which are shared by many other professionals, and specific competences exclusively for education inspectors and that will help us define the professional profile that any inspector should have, to better contribute to their institutional remit. By defining them, we will establish a Decalogue that will help us understand the implications and dimensions of this profession as well as facilitate the elaboration of programmes to select and train future inspectors.

Key words
Attitudes, Competences, Education inspectors, Supervision, Inspection visit.
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Soler Fiérrez, E. (2015). Decálogo de las competencias profesionales del inspector de educación. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 13(4), 149-160.
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