REICE 2016 - Volume 14, No 2
Favouring and Hindering Factors in the Transfer of Teachers Training Process in Higher Education
Teacher training is a resource for improving the quality of education To consider if training is transferred to the classroom and if it is impacting in institutions and in the whole system is a must. This article analyses the factors that foster and hinder this process from a systematic documentary analysis of last years’ developed research on transfer of training. The evaluation design, the training planning, the institutional commitment, together with the self-efficacy or ability to transfer self- perception, are the main elements that favor the transfer of training to the daily work of teachers. On the contrary, the absence of support from heads and peers and the lack between training and institutional plans are the major obstacles to the transfer of training. The study determines that transfer assessment is a complex and expensive process because it has to be done delayed in time, it has to involve different stakeholders and it has to collect data for proving the benefits that it has got.
Key words
Transfer of training, Continuous training, Training objectives, Program evaluation, Teachers.
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Cano, E. (2016). Factores favorecedores y obstaculizadores de la transferencia de la formación del profesorado en educación superior. [Favouring and hindering factors in the transfer of teachers training process in higher education]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 14(2), 133-150.