REICE 2017 - Volume 15, No 1
Is there a Relationship between Management and Educational Innovation? A Case Study at Higher Education Level

Educational institutions are complex organizations where many factors come together, the management demand excellent contest leaders who face different managing aspects of the organization, usually not easy to articulate. The problem of study described in this project was to explore the practical management and administrative practices of educational innovation at an institution of higher education in order to advance in the understanding of practices that enhance and promote innovation projects in educational institutions. With the purpose of answer one research question: What is the relationship between administrative practices and practices of educational innovation in educational institutions from the perspective of administrators, teachers and students? the research design was established as not experimental, transactional, with use of mixed methods for the analysis of the data and presented as a case study. It was concluded that the practices of administrative management in an educational institution impact the development of innovation projects, leading to rethink models of management and organization to generate environments enriching learning aimed at developing the students and the institution.

Key words
University management, Educational innovation, Educational management, Academic organization, Higher education.
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Cárdenas Gutiérrez, C, Farías Martínez, G. M., & Méndez Castro, G. (2017). ¿Existe relación entre la gestión administrativa y la innovación educativa? Un estudio de caso en Educación Superior [Is there a relationship between management and educational innovation? A case study at higher education level]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 15(1), 19-35.