REICE 2017 - Volume 15, No 2
Digital Materials to Strength Learning Process in Upper Secondary Education: A Study to Understand how Educational Change takes Place

This article presents the results of a study made in order to analyze a process of educational change in upper secondary level. It focused on the implementation of Flipped Classroom technique supported by a learning tool called Living Class (LC). The educational change phenomena is defined within this study from two theoretical contributions that build a five steps process: initiation, planning, implementation, evaluation and institutionalization. Three sub-studies were conducted to investigate in depth the process of educational change that is experimented in the institution: one on LC usability and two others on students and teacher’s perception about the target change process. A total of 4,708 students and 154 professors participated in this study. The methodological design was based on Mixed Methods. After the analysis, it is concluded that the target process is located by now in the implementation phase. The discussion points out the importance of diagnose an educational change phenomenon in a holistic way. Some suggestions for future studies are given.

Key words
Change, Learning, Open educational resources, Formal education, Basic education.
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Gallardo, K. E., Alvarado, M. A., Lozano, A., López Cruz, C. S., & Gudiño, S. (2017). Materiales digitales para fortalecer el aprendizaje disciplinar en educación media superior: Un estudio para comprender cómo se Suscita el cambio educativo [Digital materials to strength learning process in upper secondary education: A study to understand how educational change takes place]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 15(2), 89-109.