REICE 2018 - Volume 16, No 3
The Teaching Evaluation in the University: Views of the Students

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the process of evaluation of teaching performance in the university context, evidencing the ineffectiveness and poor validity of the questionnaire as a mechanism for the improvement of higher education. The paper analyzes the perspectives of undergraduate students about a questionnaire with which they periodically assess the performance of their professors, to judge their relevance and usefulness as an evaluation tool. It is a qualitative research through the case study modality. The case was represented by the Xochimilco and Cuajimalpa Units of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM). The theoretical perspective of teacher evaluation is also placed in a framework of qualitative and comprehensive evaluation. The results are grouped into three blocks referring to the teacher evaluation questionnaire that the students answer: 1) student opinions on the questionnaire, 2) uses of the results of the teacher evaluation, and 3) proposal to evaluate the teaching performance. Among the conclusions, it is emphasized that the evaluation process is associated in a priority way with the granting of economic stimuli to teachers and tangentially with the improvement of the quality of teaching. This situation disagrees with a very extended vision that links the results of the teacher evaluation with the improvement of education

Key words
Evaluation; Teachers; Students; Higher education.
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Moreno Olivos, T. (2018). La evaluación docente en la universidad: Visiones de los alumnos. [The teaching evaluation in the university: Views of the students]. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 16(3), 87-101.