Educative Leadership in the Management of Social Networks in Web 2.0. Innovation and Change in the Educative Organizations

In the “golden age” of the social networks the educative centers, once again, cannot remain besides the manifest reality and consequently to adapt their organizativas structures and of management to the changes demanded for a real and truthful innovating progress. In this plane of action, the figure of the transformacional leader and the projection distributed of the same can promote a cross-sectional change to each one of the components of the scholastic structure effective ensure communications between their members and promoting the sustainability of a knowledge network in which each of its nodes and/or I connect are determining functional of the educative complex.

Key words

Transformacional leadership, distributed leadership, educative networks, social networks, introduction TIC.

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Trujillo, J.M., López, J.A. y Lorenzo M.E. (2009). Liderazgo Educativo en la Gestión de Redes Sociales en la Web 2.0. Innovación y Cambio en las Organizaciones Educativas. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(3), pp. 34-46. Cited (Date).