Social Representations of School Violence

The present research, it is concentrated in knowing the social representations of a young group who comes from public school of Copiapo, city. Which are considered as aggressive into their establishments, with the objective to offer or give an important explanation based on  the students’ appreciations  related to their social-educational experiences.

It is generates an explanation and it comes from the grounded theories,  which gather the representations about different domains of the daily existences to a dominant society which acts in a violent way for the underdogs people.

It tries to avoid to classify to these aggressive young adolescents as carriers of some psychological pathology or deficit of social abilities, to expose it as a socially damage person. In an economic system what it has postponed to the lowest level of the social order, in where the violence, more than a disruptive behaviour, it is an adaptation way to an aggressive system, based on the competence and survival to the best.

Key words

Adolescence, violence, educational system, society, discrimination, economic system.

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Salgado, F. (2009). Representaciones Sociales Acerca de la Violencia Escolar. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(3), pp. 135-152. Cited (Date).