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Uruguay’s Communal Classrooms Program: A Bridge to Middle Level Education Inclusion

This article refers to the Programa de Aulas Comunitarias (PAC) in Uruguay, a programme that works with teenagers who have dropped out middle school and tries to re-incorporate them into the educational system. The article considers the PAC as part of a new wave of pro-equity policies in the region and analyzes the important degree of innovation that it has shown since its birth in 2007, both in the curricular and institutional dimensions. The PAC is ruled by two public institutions that hire NGO to run the “Aulas Comunitarias”.

Key words

Education policy, educative inclusion, re-incorporate programs.

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Mancebo, M.E. y Monteiro, L. (2009). El Programa de Aulas Comunitarias de Uruguay: Un Puente hacia la Inclusión en la Educación Media. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(4), pp. 277-291.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol7num4/art14.pdf. Cited (Date).