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Building Knowledge on the Reason of the Educational Lag and its Implications
for the Orientation of Public Policies. The Mexican Experience

Several theories which have been developed in order to explain the insufficient academic achievement which is followed by school drop out, are analyzed. They relate to determinism, school resources assignment, curriculum design, as well as characteristics of educational agents and processes .Information necessary to test the validity of such theories –at least in the Mexican situation- is provided. Only the determinism theory -insofar as it attempts to predict academic achievement- is rejected; although some recent studies have reached a different conclusion. The article points out that effects of some factors located outside the educational system -such as families’ capacity to support their siblings’ academic development, and psychological conditions in which children begin their formal education- can be eliminated by means of implementing some educational programs. Finally, a complex strategy -built with pedagogical, administrative, political and financial components-is proposed in order to eliminate the effects of those factors, located inside the educational system, which intervene in the ethiology of school drop out.

Key words

School drop out, determinants of scholastic achievement, compensatory programs, educational policy, educational research, mexican educational system.

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Muñoz Izquierdo, C. (2009). Construcción del Conocimiento sobre la Etiología del Rezago Educativo y sus Implicaciones para la Orientación de las Políticas Públicas: la Experiencia de México. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(4), pp. 10-27.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol7num4/art1.pdf. Cited (Date).