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Efficiency and Efficacy of the Mexican Educational System for Guaranteeing
the Right to Elementary Education

This study presents a set of indicators to establish the effectiveness and efficiency of the Mexican Educational System (MES) in order to guarantee mandatory education. Even though the MES´s performance improves gradually and continuously, high proportions of children and young adolescents do not complete primary or lower secondary education levels. These results are mainly due to lack of the MES´s efficiency in preserving students in the school and promoting them between grades in an achievable time period. If the MES is committed to increase its effectiveness it has to improve two main things: lowering repetition in primary education and decreasing early dropouts in lower secondary schools. The longitudinal indicators used were calculated by improvements of the reconstructed cohort method. These indicators provide a better comprehensive image of the cohort dynamics rather than the one provided by traditional indicators based on cross-section information. The data used were the II Mexican National Population Census 2005 and the Basic Educational Statistics of Mexico from 1998 to 2008.

Key words

Educational effectiveness, efficiency, right to basic education, graduation, dropout and longitudinal indicators, cohort analysis.

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Robles, H., Escobar, M., Barranco, A., Mexicano, C. y Valencia, E. (2009). La Eficacia y Eficiencia del Sistema Educativo Mexicano para Garantizar el Derecho a la Escolaridad Básica. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(4), pp. 48-77.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol7num4/art3.pdf. Cited (Date).