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Research, Policies and Educative Practices
Mercedes Muñoz-Repiso

Muñoz-Repiso begins the article with an autobiographical note to which she considers a forced reference of gratitude and recognition, that invites us to participate in the origin of a novel vision, a firm conviction, a glimpse to the future glanced with shrewdness by a dreamy expert in investigation methods.

Key words

Educative research, educative policies, educative practice.

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Muñoz-Repiso, M. (2010). Investigación, Política y Práctica Educativas. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 8 (2), pp. 201-216.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol8num2/art12.pdf. Cited (Date).