.2019 - Volume 12, No 1

Formative and Shared Assessment in the Initial Training of Physical Education Teachers: Results after Four Years of Implementation in a Chilean Public University

Francisco Javier Gallardo-Fuentes, Bastian Carter-Thuillier and Víctor M. López-Pastor

The transition from a traditional model to a competency model has meant a great paradigm shift in Chilean university education. Replace the teaching staff with the students at the center of the Teaching-Learning (E-A) process forces us to rethink many elements that intervene in such processes, including assessment. The objective of the study is to know the perception of the students after the application of Formative and shared Assessment in four subjects from a Chilean university. It was carried out under a quantitative approach in a sample of 111 students (23.2  2.1), the sample corresponded to students of Initial Teacher Training in Physical Education who participated in four systems of Formative and shared Assessment implemented in 2014 in the "practicum" (Age 24.1  1.8); 2015 in the subject "Physical Activity and Health for Special Groups" (Age 22  2.2); 2016 in the subject "Energy Expenditure and Anthropometry" (Age 23  1.9) and 2017 in the subject "Energy Expenditure and Anthropometry" (Age 23.2  2.1). The main results show high valuated to the items corresponding to "advantages of the Assessment system" and low valuated to the items that are presented as real inconvenient of an Assessment system. It was possible to appreciate a high valuation to the Assessment systems used, as well as the presence of elements of formative and shared Assessment in the Pre-service Physical Education Training of the university where the study was carried out.

. Key words

Formative assessment; Co-Assessment; Pre-service teacher education; Skills self-perception; Chilean university; Student involvement.

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. Reference

Gallardo-Fuentes, F. J., Carter-Thuillier, B., & López-Pastor, V. M. (2019). Evaluación formativa y compartida en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física: Resultados tras cuatro años de implementación en una universidad pública chilena [Formative and shared assessment in the initial training of physical education teachers: Results after four years of implementation in a Chilean public university]. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 12(1), 139-155.