.2020 - Volume 13, No 1

Effect of the Use of the Problem Based Learning Teaching Strategy in the Development of Comprehension Skills and Analysis of Descriptive Statistics

Luz Celenia Colón Ortiz and Jaime Ortiz-Vega


School must prepare students in an integral way in order to serve and contribute to the improvement of society. The profile report of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico (DEPR) during 2015-2018 revealed that students do not mastered math basic skills. A decrease in standardized tests results is evidenced. This article presents the results of an investigation to determine the effect of the Problem Base Learning (PBL) teaching strategy in the development of comprehension and analysis skills in descriptive statistics in tenth grade students at a public school in the central region of Puerto Rico. A quantitative, quasi-experimental approach was used. The sample was selected by availability, for a total of 48. 25 students were in the control group (CG) while 23 were in the experimental group (EG). Data was obtained through a pretest and posttest about descriptive statistic. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistic (independent test t, paired test t and lineal regression). Results showed that the use of the PBL strategy had a positive effect in the development of the comprehension and analysis skills in descriptive statistic. Students from the experimental group performed higher in the posttest than those from the control group.

. Key words

Problem based learning; Teaching strategy; Comprehension and analysis skills; Descriptive statistic; Standardized tests.

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. Reference

Colón, L. C & Ortiz-Vega, J. (2020). Efecto del uso de la estrategia de enseñanza aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) en el desarrollo de las destrezas de comprensión y análisis de la estadística descriptiva. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 13(1), 205-223.