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.2010 - Volumen 3, Número 1 (e).
The Evaluation of Teaching at Mexican State Universities:
A Diagnose to their Comprehension and Improvement
    Mario Rueda Beltrán, Edna Luna Serrano, Benilde García Cabrero y Javier Loredo Enríquez  

In the present work, the impact of the international organisms in the generation of institutional programs is discussed to favor the evaluation of the superior education in Mexico. Also, is approached the rising of the teaching evaluation as a strategy to value the academic performance of the university professor. Of particular form, it describes the characteristics of the teaching evaluation at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo and the processes of meta-evaluation performed annually from 2004 to 2007. In this context, it is informed how the meta-evaluation corresponding to year 2009 was carried out from the participation of the members of the Institutional Committee of Educational Evaluation. In relation to the uses of the evaluation, it was identified that the results of the teaching performance are associated mainly with the permanence of the professors in the institution, as well as with their feedback actions for the improvement of their educational practice. Similarly, the use of the results is tied to the accreditation of the educative programs and to the access to economic stimuli. As for the impact of the teaching evaluation, some dimensions, related to the update of the professors and the consolidation of the culture of the evaluation in the university were found. Nevertheless, still it is perceived in the community that there is not a significant impact in the decision making with respect to the educational work. It is concluded, that the evaluation of teaching must be analyzed and to put under the permanent valuation of all the hearings involved for its improvement. In this sense, to evaluate to improve would generally become the use and main effect in general of the policies of evaluation and of teaching in particular.

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Meta-evaluation, teachers’ evaluation, higher education.

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Lora, L.E., Torquemada A.D. y Olvera, B.I. (2010). Usos e Impacto de la Evaluación de la Docencia en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo: Resultados de la Meta-evaluación. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 3 (1e), pp. 93-104.
http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol3-num1_e/art7.pdf. Cited (Date).


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