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.2012 - Volumen 5, Número 1 (e)
Docimologic Approach for the Evaluation of Teachers’ Digital
and Didactic Competences
Roberto O. Páez y Sergio Di Carlo

This work is a reflection about the assessment in virtual environments of higher education. Seeks to explain the general characteristics of the main elements involved in this issue and the relations between them. To this end, we consider a docimologic view to establish links with the assessment of digital and didactic competences required by scholars who are active in virtual instructional environments, either in whole or in part. We discuss some advances in studies on the definitions of the competences involved and we present some considerations and questions about their assessment. The performance standards show up as key factors in curriculum design and assessment criteria. However, it seems necessary to establish indicators in basic and specific levels, in order to assess the digital competence in a more comprehensive way. This paper contributes to theory on knowledge of digital and didactic competences assessment of the scholars in higher education and provides support to frameworks for present and potential future researches.

.Key words

Digital competence, didactic competence, standards, virtual environments, university teaching.

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Páez, R. O., Di Carlo, S. (2012). Aproximación Docimológica a la Evaluación de Competencias Digitales y Didácticas de Profesores Universitarios. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 5 (1e), pp.282-288.
http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol5-num1_e/art20.pdf. Cited (Date).


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