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.2012 - Volumen 5, Número 1 (e)
Evaluate the Evaluations: Design and Testing of an Evaluation System
for Teaching Improvement in Units
Juny Montoya

This article presents a first attempt to systematize the experience of designing and implementing a strategy called “assessing assessment”. This strategy is oriented towards fostering reflection among faculty about their teaching practices and to gather information useful to feed the evaluation system of educational program effectiveness at Los Andes University.

This article summarizes the pilot studies developed during the last two semesters and the analysis of the preliminary results. Partial results show that this strategy is useful to promote reflection among faculty about their teaching practice and the design of their courses. Some questioning remains about the usefulness of the instrument for summative evaluation purposes; the degree in which learning objectives are being achieved in the courses analyzed remains uncertain.

.Key words

Curriculum evaluation, curriculum design, reflective practice, curriculum alignment.

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Montoya, J. (2012). Evaluar las Evaluaciones: Diseño y puesta a Prueba de un Sistema de Evaluación para el Mejoramiento de la Docencia en Unidades. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 5 (1e), pp.48-58.
http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol5-num1_e/art4.pdf. Cited (Date).


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