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.2012 - Volumen 5, Número 1 (e)
Methodological Transition for Teaching Evaluation Process: UAEH Case
Patricia Bezies y Leticia Elizalde

This paper discusses the transition process of the evaluation methodology taught at the Autonomous University of Hidalgo State (UAEH) as an effort to improve teacher performance evaluation from the analysis of the skills that the educational model of the university marks as educational quality indicators. With this new process it looks for the improvement of teaching performance, offering academics various options to improve the teaching processes in higher education.

It recognizes that the evaluation of the teaching at the university is a complex activity and whose challenge lies in questioning, analyzing and improving the academic skills of university professors. Then it tackles the institutional background of teacher assessment at the university since its inception to the present day. Various stages of the metaevaluation are explained starting with its inception in 2003 as a strategy to value the teacher evaluation process in UAEH. Thus from 2010 metaevaluation processes originate the methodological transition of the teacher evaluation process, demonstrating the need for a consistent institutional system of indicators with the professional profile of the teachers at the UAEH.

.Key words

Teacher evaluation, indicators of teacher performance assessment and evaluation of teachig profile.

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Bezies, P. y Elizalde, P. (2012). Transición Metodológica del Proceso de Evaluación Docente: Caso UAEH. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 5 (1e), pp.59-65.
http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol5-num1_e/art5.pdf. Cited (Date).


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