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.2012 - Volumen 5, Número 2
The Teaching Portfolio an Option to Think and Evaluate Competences
Ma. Isabel Arbesú y Elia Gutiérrez Martínez

This paper aims to show partial results of an investigation, product of experience in the Diploma "Training-educational evaluation for competence development", which took place at a public university located in Mexico City. The first part presents the theoretical development around skills, in particular to the teachers. Subsequently referred to the theoretical underpinnings of the teaching portfolio and the various concepts that are articulated, as an alternative system of training and evaluation. Later we present the design methodology, findings and conclusions that are linked skills and teaching portfolios as complementary elements present in the experience by teachers for the Diploma.

.Key words

Training, competences, teaching competences, portfolio, auto- evaluation.

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Arbesú, Ma. I. y Gutiérrez Martinez, E. (2012). El Portafolios Docente un Medio para Reflexionar y Evaluar las Competencias. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 5 (2), pp.52-69.
http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol5-num2/art4.pdf. Consultado el (Fecha).


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