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.2012 - Volumen 5, Número 3

Assessment Practices sed by the University Teaching Practicum in Teacher Education

Flor Jiménez y Teresa Mauri

This article is a publication that relies on some of the results of the doctoral thesis "The Practicum assessment practices based on competencies. The feedback as a strategy to support learning. "We present data that allowed us to identify, describe, and discuss some practical difficulties in the assessment of teacher training practicum competency-based university tutors engaged.

The theoretical perspective guiding the study is the sociocultural and situated constructivist perspective. We developed a questionnaire taking into account the dimensions of analysis of assessment practices (Coll, Barberà and Onrubia, 2000) and we investigate the key elements of review and improvement proposed by tutores from the reflection on their practice of assessment. The study was conducted with 26 teachers from the University of Barcelona, in order to know the opinion and behavior on the issues investigated in the questionnaire.

Some conclusions we reached are: the practice of assessment is a continuous but individual primarily retroactive. The proper assessment situations are developing a schedule (which, once developed, is implemented in the classroom in which students are immersed practices) and the preparation and defense of the memory of the Practicum. From the student perspective, mentoring at the university she attends on a continuous basis throughout the Practicum should emphasize character support and monitoring learning. The relationships between the university and the school form a restricted framework of collaboration between both institutions is reflected in the character that make the assessment practices.

.Key words

Sociocultural perspective, Practicum-assessment practices, competence.

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Jiménez, F., & Mauri, T. (2012). Prácticas de Evaluación utilizadas por el Tutor Universitario en el Practicum de la Formación de Maestros. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 5 (3), pp. 212-234.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol5-num3/art13.pdf


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