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.2013 - Volumen 6, Número 1

The Evaluation And Promotion Of Oral Communication Competence In University Students

Alicia Bolívar Cruz, Nancy Dávila, Margarita Fernández Monroy, Inmaculada Galván, Sara M. González-Betancor, Alexis López Puig, Heriberto Suárez, Domingo Verano y Pablo Dorta-González

In this paper we present an experience to promote and evaluate oral communication skills in undergraduate students. In order to improve employability, it is necessary to promote activities focused on communication skills, like the “Tournament 10 in 5 Business Idea" that we propose here. This tournament consists of making team presentations of a business idea in 5 minutes, drawing on 10 still images. Firstly, after each presentation, the jury gives feedback to each team to provide training for the next step. After the tournament, an in-depth interview with all the participants is performed to assess their expectations before the experience and their level of satisfaction. The main conclusion we highlight is that the presentation format is an original and creative oral communication tool. The tournament also encourages the participation of the students in their learning process.

.Key words

Communicative competence, verbal communication, evaluation, university, career development, undergraduate student.

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Bolívar Cruz, A., Dávila, N., Fernández Monroy, M., Galván I., González-Betancor, S.M., López Puig, A., Suárez Falcón, H., Verano, D., & Dorta-González, P. (2013). Evaluación y fomento de la competencia de comunicación oral de los estudiantes universitarios. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 6(1), 17-28.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol6-num1/art01.pdf


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