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.2013 - Volumen 6, Número 1

Learning from Evaluation: Decalogue for the Authentic Evaluation of Professional Competences through the Portfolio

Fernando Sabirón and Ana Arraiz

For a decade (2003-2012) we made an innovation experience concerning evaluation. More than 600 students from Psychopedagogy and the Teacher Training Degree were evaluated, in different modules, through a unique portfolio of evaluation. It was proposed for the students the development of four complex competences (dialectical thinking, dialogical behavior, confrontation and self-determination strategies). The experience is based on the principles of the “fourth generation in evaluation”, the “authentic evaluation” and the “socioconstructivism”. The students’ academic achievements show the attainments in the development of the proposed competences. Using a qualitative methodology, a parallel monitoring of the experience is made in order to determine the meaning and characteristics of the emerging evaluation processes of innovation. By applying the “constant comparative method” in the categorization process, the results are shown under the ten principles of the decalogue (conflict, multirreferenciality, intersubjectivity, feedback, accompaniment, multifunctionality, innovation, contextualization, continuity and ethics). After exposing the process of validation of the decalogue, as well as the statement of each of the principles, a discussion about the professionalizing nature of the learning students have in these evaluation processes is finally developed. The magnitude, the results obtained, as well as the continuity, enables us to guarantee the credibility and usefulness of the proposed principles. However, on our behalf, we highlight two relevant achievements: firstly, the increasing involvement of students and the consequent improvement in their learning processes; on the other hand, the high potential of the evaluation as a learning tool in the future professionals of education..


.Key words

Portfolio Assessment, Alternative Evaluation, Authentic Evaluation, Socioconstructivism, Professional Development, Higher Education, Competences.

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Sabirón, F., & Arraiz, A. (2013). Aprendiendo de la evaluación: decálogo para la evaluación auténtica de competencias profesionales a través del Portafolio. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 6(1), 135-152.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol6-num1/art08.pdf


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