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.2013 - Volumen 6, Número 1

Importance of using virtual platforms in higher education to promote change in attitudes towards ICT; Case Study: University of Magdalena, Colombia

Mónica Luz Pérez Cervantes and Anuar Francisco Saker

The purpose of this research was to analyze the attitudinal change in undergraduate students about their use of the virtual platform to support the development of a training course in the classroom, considering the contributions of Vygotsky (1988), Ausubel (1983), Pozo (2001), Coll (2007), Marqués (2001, 2003), Prensky (2001), Vilaseca y Meseguer (2000). Is a case study, framed within the qualitative paradigm, which used as techniques a focus group and two surveys designed to appreciate the opinions and attitudes from the students on the TIC’s in the use of a virtual platform to support the Blended Learning. The research involved 35 undergraduate students of Preschool education in the Universidad del Magdalena in Santa Marta (Colombia) on the first academic period of 2012. It was evident that the clasroom interaction is not the only way of communication that ensures an effective learning and increase the students abilities beyond the tecnological system, improving time commitment in the follow-up activities to face meetings. The research also allowed teachers to establish guidelines to participate not only in the classroom, but on a virtual environment, assignig exercises and assignments to be presented in each space, the due dates of every activity and the evaluation criteria.

.Key words

Teacher training, blended learning, attitudes, virtual platforms

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Pérez Cervantes, M.L., & Saker, A F. (2013). Importancia del uso de las plataformas virtuales en la formación superior para favorecer el cambio de actitud hacia las TIC. Estudio de caso: Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 6(1), 153-166.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol5-num3/art09.pdf


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