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.2013 - Volumen 6, Número 2

Policies and programming for safer schools: Are ''anti-bullying'' approaches impeding education for peacebuilding?

Kathy Bickmore

Prevailing anti-violence practices in public schools, especially in the context of recently increased emphasis on bullying, often allocate more resources to surveillance and control than to facilitation of healthy relationships or conflict/ peace learning. This policy emphasis increases the risks of marginalization and reduces opportunities for diverse students to develop autonomy and mutual responsibility. This qualitative study examines educators’ contrasting interpretations of various school safety and conflict management initiatives in practice, in peaceful and less peaceful schools serving stressed urban populations, and points out spaces for potential policy shifts and clarifications that could enhance sustainable peacebuilding in schools.

.Key words

Safe schools, Bullying, Peace education, Conflict resolution, Urban schools.

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Bickmore, K. (2013). Políticas y programas para escuelas más seguras: ¿Las medidas “contra el bullying” obstruyen a la educación para la construcción de paz? Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 6(2), 37-71.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol6-num2/art02.pdf


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