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.2014 - Volume 7, No 1

Formative Feedback in the Teaching-Learning Process of Preschool Students

Karime Osorio Sánchez and Alexis López Mendoza

This study focused on analyzing and understanding how feedback is provided to preschool students of ages between three and four, and the role that parents play in the teaching and learning process of their children. Similarly, the perceptions of parents and teachers on the use of feedback in the learning process at this level were examined. To answer the research questions, data were collected through focus groups with teachers, parent interviews and classroom observations. Data were analyzed qualitatively using grounded theory. In this study we found that the use of feedback substantially motivates preschool students to improve their academic performance and their development process inside and outside the classroom and to develop more meaningful learning experiences in each development dimension. Additionally, it was found that the partnership between teachers and parents is essential in the assessment process in preschoolers.

.Key words

Formative assessment, Assessment in preschool, Feedback, Formative feedback, Teaching-learning process.

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Osorio, K., & López Mendoza, A. (2014). La retroalimentación formativa en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de estudiantes en edad preescolar. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 7(1), 13-30.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol7-num1/art1.pdf


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