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.2014 - Volume 7, No 1

Explicit evaluation conceptions in teaching Preschool Education in Jalisco, Mexico

Lya Sañudo Guerra and María Isabel Sañudo Guerra

This paper describes the first stage of a wider investigation to build a model of evaluation for children in pre-school education. The objective in this stage is to know the teachers conceptions in pre-school education related to assessment in class, and to form a substantive basis that allows an alternative evaluation design for this level. It is a research with a mixed methodological approach (qualitative and quantitative), uses the method of descriptive analysis through the application of a questionnaire, relevant to retrieve explicit conceptions or knowledge. The results show the teacher’s beliefs of the assessment in their teaching practice. Sample teachers know the main character of the preschool evaluation, however, they do not conceptually dominate the fundamental purpose, which is to contribute consistently in learning of their students through observation, reflection, identification and systematization of the of their forms of intervention in practice in the classroom. Teachers use more instruments of registration in their processes of evaluation, and fewer search projects, problems identification and formulation of alternative solutions. They associated the assessment with the information required at the beginning of the school year, and not with permanent or final evaluation. The concept of evaluation is a one direction process, not a feedback between participants.

.Key words

Explicit conceptions, Assessment, Preschool.

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Sañudo, L., & Sañudo, M.I. (2014). Las concepciones explícitas sobre evaluación en la práctica docente en Educación Preescolar en Jalisco, México. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 7(1), 31-42.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol7-num1/art2.pdf


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