2018 - Vol. 7 Num. 2
Aportes de Paulo Freire a la Investigación y a la Lectura Crítica

Paulo Freire´s Contributions to the Research and Critical Reading
Paulo Freire´s contributions to the education of XXI century have attained significant acceptance owing to its invaluable validity. Its implications in the teaching of researching and critical reading have been taking into account because of its promotion of cognitive abilities which allow the individual to achieve break the imposing schemes of a reproductive education. Attending to the relevance of Freire´s work, a revision of the significant aspects in those that hint at critical reading and research as tools that pursue the transformation and improvement of social abilities and educational competences as fundamental tools for exercising democratic values which implicit contribution is the civic education necessary in order to practice values such as: autonomy, respect, tolerance, responsibility and to recognition of the other as a constructor and integral part of her or his transformation experience is done. Freire´s proposal of research schemes and critical reading are exposed in an intent to highlight elemental aspects of academic formation in this present century, such as: the development of critical thinking, the promotion of inquiry as a necessary ability in order to question the world and the use of the critique as a tool to the service of a recurrent objection and reflection about reality keeping as determining elements the autonomy and the freedom as essential means to operate in transcendental and effective ways their own context.
Key words
Research; Reading; Training; Education; Social justice.
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Morales, J. (2018). Aportes de Paulo Freire a la investigación y a la lectura crítica [Paulo Freire´s contributions to the research and critical reading]. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 7(2), 175-192.