2020 - Vol. 9 Num. 1
Estudio de las Aulas Abiertas Especializadas como Medida Específica de Atención a la Diversidad

Study of Specialized Open Classrooms as a Specific Measure of Attention to Diversity
In the present study, we show the analysis of the operation of specialized open classrooms, it has been carried out in seven centers that attend both Infant and Primary and Secondary Education of the Region of Murcia (Spain). The participants of this study have been 608 professionals and students. A quantitative, non-experimental and descriptive design has been carried out. The main objective has been to analyze the operation of this specific measure from the perspective of professionals and students in open classrooms and their classmates in ordinary classrooms. The results show that professionals have a perspective of inclusion centered on the deficit model, because although they claim that this measure favors the inclusion and socialization of students, they continue to prefer that students with special educational needs who need extensive support in most areas of the curriculum are not included in the full-time regular classrooms. On the other hand, students of the open classroom and students of the reference classroom show their desire to participate together and to share common times and spaces.
Key words
Inclusive education; Specialized open classroom; Attention to diversity; Participation; Reception.
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Arnaiz, P. & Caballero, C. M. (2020). Estudio de las aulas abiertas especializadas como medida específica de atención a la diversidad [Study of specialized open classrooms as a specific measure of attention to diversity ]. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 9(1), 191-210.