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2017 - Vol. 11, Num. 2  

Restoring the Right to Education: Narrative Identity of Old Women

  Karina Moreno Díaz and Rodolfo Soto González

A significant proportion of older women did not access to formal education, thus violating their right to education. In this context, the popular education is presented as a literacy alternative for this group. This research aims to understand the narrative identity of older women who participated in the popular literacy plan Contigo Aprendo (translated as I learn with you). Given the nature of the object of study, we chose to use a qualitative research approach. Thus, production techniques included narrative interviews to 10 older women and a focus-group interview, the information was analyzed using the Theory Grounded method. The results show that the infringement to the right to education of women during childhood and adulthood was driven from its postponement from care labor and decision from other persons in the family. At old ages, freedom from those labors arises, and motivation to learn and empower themselves can result in the participation on the literacy program. These results are discussed, in first place, considering how restrictions on formal education were shaped by gender stereotypes and, secondly, the impact of popular education on the restitution of the right to education.

  Key words  

Right to education, Identity, Literacy, Old age, Women education.

 Complete Text  
  Full text in Spanish, PDF  
Moreno Díaz, K., & Soto González, R. (2017). Restablecimiento del derecho a la educación: Identidad narrativa de mujeres mayores. [Restoring the right to education: Narrative identity of old women]. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva, 11(2), 91-108.
Consultado en http://www.rinace.net/rlei/numeros/vol11-num2/art5.pdf

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