Educative Practices in Public Education Contexts, Inclusion Beyond Contradictions

  Dominique Manghi, Camila Saavedra and Nicoley Bascuñan

Chilean educational policies indicate educational inclusion promoting transformations in public schools (MINEDUC, 2016) to favor social belonging and the achievement of learning (Aguerrondo, 2008), having as a background educational policies that refer to learning goals and effectiveness. In each public school, currently segregated, educative practices reflect the situated answers negotiated by each institution to meet the needs of its community to face education for all, although social conditions are uneven. This qualitative study, part of a larger project (PIA CONICYT CIE160009), seeks to describe, interpret and comprehend educational practices of different school actors in relation to education for inclusion. Based on a multiple case study of two public schools of the V region (Chile), a participant observation and different types of qualitative records are carried out to analyze the practices as a transformation of the public education system. The results show contradictions that coexist with educational responses that transform educational institutions through concrete practices of different school actors. In this complexity of changes at the micro level, we question the limits between responses oriented by social welfare and those guided by inclusive principles.

  Key words  

Inclusive education; Teaching practices; Student; Teacher; School segregation.

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Manghi, D., Saavedra, C., & Bascuñan, N. (2018). Prácticas educativas en contextos de educación pública, inclusión más allá de las contradicciones. [Educative practices in public education contexts, inclusion beyond contradictions]. Revista Latinoamericana de Inclusión Educativa, 12(2), 21-39.