2021 - Vol. 15, Num. 1  

Vision of Deaf Education in Brazil and Chile: Teaching Policies for the Learning Process of Deaf Students

  Taise Dall’Asen and Francisco Gárate

From history and politics by reviewing literature, the process of inclusion and schooling of deaf subject is viewing as being presented in a subsidiary way. However, it is important to note that we know nothing about the deaf subject, because the narratives are made by listeners, that is, rarely by the protagonists of the story as political subjects in this case the deaf. The main objective of the research is: To compare the teaching policy in the learning process of deaf education at school and the social and political impact in Brazil and Chile. The research is characterized from a qualitative methodology, poststructuralist perspective. To interpret the political discourse prevalent in Brazil and Chile, we rely on a review of documents and laws that guarantee the teaching-learning process of deaf students. The paper shows that deaf people suffered numerous deprivations and different schooling methodologies based on the way listeners are taught. The study indicates that the school is a privileged space for the process of deconstructing negative stereotypes in relation to deaf students, thus promoting inclusion and recognizing that everyone has the right to the school process based on equality.

  Key words  

Schooling of deaf students; Deafness; Inclusive process; Biopower; Neoliberal imperative.

 Complete Text  
  Full text in Potuguese PDF  
Dall’Asen, T. & Gárate, F. (2021). Visão da educação de surdos no Brasil e no Chile: Políticas de ensino para o processo de aprendizagem de estudantes surdos [Vision of deaf education in Brazil and Chile: Teaching policies for the learning process of deaf students]. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva, 15(1), 21-37.