2023 - Vol. 17, Num. 1  

Sixth Grade Student’s Self-Efficacy Perception in Self-Regulated Learning

  Daniela Couto Guerreiro Casanova and Roberta Gurgel Azzi

This study is dedicated to analyzing the perceptions of self-efficacy to self-regulate the learning of 6th year students and their relationship with their perceptions of themselves in terms of intelligence, strengths and weaknesses related to study, classifying said analysis according to the gender of the students and the school in which they studied. With a descriptive design and an analyze qualitative, the data were collected during three moments, 28 students classified into two groups were included as participants: non-priority and priority. The study verified that the students of the "priority group" had more fragile self-efficacy beliefs and self-perceptions than the "non-priority group". However, it is disputed that the "non-priority group" did not present as positive perceptions as expected, with room for psycho-pedagogical interventions in both groups.

  Key words  

Self-regulation, Self-efficacy, Self-schemata, Social learning, Scholar transition.

 Complete Text  
  Full text in Spanish, PDF  
Casanova, D., & Azzi, R. G. (2023). Percepciones de estudiantes del sexto año sobre su autoeficacia para autorregular el aprendizaje [Sixth grade student’s self-efficacy perception in self-regulated learning]. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva, 17(1), 77-92.