REICE 2014 - Volume 12, No 4, special issue
Transformational school leadership effects on student achievement

Based on a synthesis of unpublished transformational school leadership (TSL) research completed during the last 14 years, this study inquired into the nature of TSL and its effects on student achievement using review methods including standard meta-analysis and vote-counting techniques. Results identift a wider range of TSL practices than typically has been measured in previous TSL research. Results also suggest that TSL has small but significant efli!cts on student achievement, some TSL practices are especially powerful explanations of these effects, and a large handful of variables both moderate and mediate TSL effects on students.

Key words
Transformational school leadership, Student achievement, Meta-analysis.
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Sun, J., & Leithwood, K. (2014). Efectos del liderazgo escolar transformacional en el rendimiento de los estudiantes. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 12(4e), 41-70.
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Original version
This article has been originally published by Leadership and Policy, 2012, vol 11, n 4.

Translated by Miguel Stuardo Concha.