REICE 2014 - Volume 12, No 4, special issue
Exploring the space between:
Social networks, trust, and urban school district leaders

A number of scholars are exploring the district context in which schools are embedded. These studies suggest the importance of the district office as a support or constraint to the work of schools and offer strategies for building relations between district and site leaders. While this is an important task, what is frequently overlooked is that organizational improvement efforts are often socially constructed. Therefore, an analysis of social networks and trust between district and site leaders may provide additional insights into supports and constraints related to improvement. This case study uses social network and trust data to explore the underlying best practice relations between leaders in a midsize underperforming urban school district. Results suggest weak network ties, low levels of trust, and a predictive relationship between trust and the reciprocal exchange of best practices related to improvement.

Key words
School effectiveness, Leadership, Improvement.
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Daly, A.J., & Finnigan, K.S. (2014). Explorando al interior: Las redes sociales, la confianza y los líderes de las escuelas de distrito urbanas. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 12(4e), 131-161.
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Original version
This article has been originally published by Journal of School Leadership, 2012, vol 22.

Translated by Reyes Hernández-Castilla.