State Proposals Related to the Brazilian Higher Education Evaluation:
Brief Historical Retrospective of the Period from 1983-2008

The text presents a brief historical retrospective of the state proposals presented during the last 25 years which were dedicated to the evaluation of the Brazilian Higher Education. Within this period of time there is special emphasis for the Institutional Program of Evaluation of the Brazilian Universities (PAIUB), proposed in the early 1990’s. The National Exam of Courses (ENC) was presented around the same decade and the National System of Evaluation of Higher Education (SINAES) was proposed in 2003 and approved by the National Congress in 2004 (Law nº 10,861 of April 14th). It changed, this way, from government policies to state policies. Nevertheless, we started this article by describing the Evaluation Program of University Reformation (PARU) once it was, in fact, the first initiative from the government which was thought to evaluate the Higher Education Institutions (IES) in Brazil. By the end of the article we present the points which are common to the two proposals as well as the differences among them.

Key words

Institutional evaluation, higher education, educational assessment.

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Andriola, W. (2008). Propostas Estatais Voltadas à Avaliação do Ensino Superior Brasileiro: Breve Retrospectiva Histórica do Período 1983-2008. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 6(4), pp. 127-148. Cited (Date).