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The Impact Assessment of Training Programs

The impact assessment is essential if we want to know the direct or indirect effects generated by a learning intervention. It is necessary to use it and it tries to overcome the usual habit of considering the validity of training without taking into account its instrumental nature in the processes of change and transformation in organizations and of the society protects that them.

We point out that the organizational development is related to aspects, such as the definition of malfunctions, the process of self-regulation, the outcome measurement and outcome management, reduction in loss or unwanted effects, efficient use of resources or the rapid response to problems. In the same way, the results orientation, the worry about the customer satisfaction or the innovation capacity.

The present contribution analyzes the impact assessment within the framework of organizational training, revising conceptual and methodological aspects, intervention models and it finishes with some problematic and challenges that are arisen. So, it studies in depth the sense that must have the consideration of effects that the execution of training programs achieves.

Key words

Impact assessment, training programs, transfer of training, training effectiveness, organizational improvement.

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Gairín, J. (2010). La Evaluación del Impacto en Programas de Formación. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 8 (5), pp. 19-43.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol8num5/art1.pdf. Cited (Date).