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.2010 - Volumen 3, Número 1 (e).

Formation and Professionalization of Teaching in the Superior Level in
Context of the Post-modernity. Thoughts on the Mexican Case

    Ileana Rojas Moreno  

Within the framework of the globalization as world-wide economic tendency and from the called “third technological revolution”, the world has been witness of vertiginous changes towards the construction of the called computerized society. In this context, to talk about a post-modern culture, virtual reality, cyberspace, the new technologies of information and communication, it is obliged to revise some of the arguments that have being analyzing from different angles this complex vision of the present panorama, particularly on the teaching formation and professionalization of higher education teachers in Mexico in presence of the challenges that the educative processes is facing, given the crisis of knowledge and the emergency of new knowledge and demands at the beginning of the new millennium. Based on the previous, we argued that the formative condition and of teaching performance of the staff cannot be only filed in technical aspects without having the risk of reducing teaching to a mechanical activity. Thus, we will reflect on this problematic in a double perspective: the post-modernity and the frame of the national policies.

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Modernity, post-modernity, formation, teaching, professionalization.

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Rojas, I. (2010). Formación y Profesionalización de la Docencia en el Nivel Superior en el Contexto de la Posmodernidad. Reflexiones sobre el Caso Mexicano. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 3 (1e), pp. 202-217.
ttp://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol3-num1_e/art16.pdf. Cited (Date).


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