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.2010 - Volumen 3, Número 1 (e).

The Evaluation as an Strategic Resource to Improve the Teaching Practice standing before the Challenges of the Education Based on Competences

    Edith Cisneros-Cohernour y Robert Stake  

The present work is inscribed within the thematic of the evaluation of professors as a resource to improve their practice, for which it retakes the present conception of the evaluation tied to the improvement and innovation of the educative intervention. The analysis is sustained in the understanding of the implications that the teaching by competences has on the educational practice as it has become generalized in the scope of the superior education as much in the European territory as in the Latin American countries. It initiates with some reflections on the potential of the evaluation and the importance of relaying on a model of teaching formation and evaluation in the context of the movement towards a superior education based on competences; also some reference is made to the role of the professor-investigator in institutions of superior education. It continues with some reflections about the role of the professors in the processes of institutional evaluation promoted nationwide in Mexico for the improvement of superior education to, in this frame, describe some specific experiences and accomplishments obtained by institutions in which the teaching personnel has being involved in this evaluative tasks because they consider them useful tool of improvement of the educative intervention at the individual level and as collective endeavor of the academies or collegiate bodies in which they participate. Specifically, in some institutions, the professors by their integration to the practices of collegiate discussion have been constructing the bases for an evaluation of teaching whose main purpose is the recognition of that which is necessary to obtain better results in the development of professional competences of the higher education students, more than to surrendering accounts or obtaining external stimuli.

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Teachers’ evaluation, higher education, teaching practice, education based on competences.

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Leyva, Y.E. (2010). La Evaluación como Recurso Estratégico para la Mejora de la Práctica Docente ante los Retos de una Educación Basada en Competencias. Reflexiones sobre el Caso Mexicano. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 3 (1e), pp. 232-245.
ttp://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol3-num1_e/art18.pdf. Cited (Date).


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