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.2010 - Volumen 3, Número 2
The Journey to the Post High School Life. The Experience of the First Generation of Alumni Graduated from a Lyceum of an Unprivileged Area in Santiago
Nelson Paulus, Esteban Geoffroy y Manuela Mendoza

This work shows some findings made by the Department of Research and Public Information of Consejo Nacional de Educación (Chile). The main goal of the study was to raise information about the perceptions, interpretations and  a sense making made by high school’s recently graduated students and their transit to post-secondary life.

During the study we had access to that information by interviewing a group off high school’s graduated students who had lived that process. Previously, in April 2008, while they were having their last course off secondary education, a survey to characterize this origin group was applied. Afterwards, between May and July 2009, when they had already graduated, we interviewed them to objetivo.

This document shows, between its main findings, results that account for the factors which structure the student´s decision process to continue superior studies; asymmetries of information that affect decision making, their typical educational paths, as well as new mechanisms that could help to understand university drop-outs.

.Key words

Transit, educational paths, secondary education, higher education.

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Paulus, N., Geoffroy, E. y Mendoza, M. (2010). El Transito a la Vida Post Secundaria. La Experiencia de la Primera Generación de Egresados de un Liceo de una Zona Popular en Santiago. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa, 3 (2), pp. 182-199.
http://www.rinace.net/riee/numeros/vol3-num2/art10.pdf. Cited (Date).


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