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2015 - Vol. 9, Num. 1  

Access to university of certain groups in the spanish context

  Joaquín Gairín and José Luis Muñoz

The contribution addresses the issue of access to university of certain groups in the Spanish university context. Specifically, the analysis centres on its peculiarities, requirements and other determining factors with an impact on access to university for people over 25, 40, 45 and 50 years of age and disabled students. Various measures are also defined to promote the presence of these specific groups in university and which focus on attraction, incorporation, reception and retention of students in the context of a university that aspires to be inclusive, open to all and a promoter of learning throughout life.

  Key words  

University, Access, Specific groups, Inclusion, Measures.

  Complete Text  
  Full text in Spanish, PDF  
Gairín, J., & Muñoz, J.L. (2015). El acceso a la universidad de colectivos específicos en el contexto español. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva, 9(1), 127-142.
Retrieved from: http://www.rinace.net/rlei/numeros/vol9-num1/art7.pdf

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