Soacha an Anfant and Adolescent Friendly Municipality:
Experiences of an Inclusive Construction of a Quality Education Model

The experience of construction of a model of education of quality in the Colombian Municipality of Soacha appears. In a first section, are presented some considerations of theoretical order around the sense that are given to the notion of quality in the context of the work. In addition, are discussed the criteria for effects of a characterization of the model. In a second section are described the antecedents of the work with the Educative Institutions, the actors which participated in the experience and the main activities that constituted the nucleus of it. A last section emphasizes the moments that took place in the systematization effort, condensed in the Methodologic Route, and the most significant learnings that they were derived from the experience as a whole.

Key words

Education quality, right perspective, school community, educational policies, childhood.

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Orozco, J.C., Olaya, A. y Villate, V. (2009). Soacha Municipio Amigo de la Infancia y la Adolescencia: Experiencia de Construcción Participativa de un Modelo de Educación de Calidad. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 7(1), pp. 103-115. Cited (Date).