2024 - Vol. 18, Num. 1  

Math Skills in Preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder: A Review for the Awareness of Educators and Educational Assistance Professionals

  Daniela Iturra-Osorio

Mathematics teaching is one of the fundamental pillars of early childhood education. Several studies have highlighted that adequate approach at early levels can positively influence future school performance and other cognitive domains. In Chile, mathematics education is an area of concern due to local evidence and observed gaps following the pandemic. In this context, educators and educational assistance professionals are challenged to provide equal teaching opportunities for all, including preschoolers with Developmental Language Disorder, who usually only receive support in language area. This review aims to update the literature on the math skills of students with Developmental Language Disorder and to establish their possible impact on the mathematics curriculum. The main findings include identifying barriers in counting and arithmetic tasks. Finally, the learning objectives that could require more attention for their approach were recorded, and studies were identified that highlighted the potential of visual and gestural representation as a way to favor the teaching-learning of these children. Thus, the approach to early mathematical skills can contribute to the inclusion and equalization of opportunities for these students.

  Key words  

Mathematics, Early childhood education, Special education needs, Specific language disorder, Developmental language disorder.

 Complete Text  
  Full text in Spanish, PDF  
Iturra-Osorio, D. (2024). Habilidades matemáticas en preescolares con trastorno específico del lenguaje: una revisión para la concientización de los educadores y profesionales asistentes de la educación [Math skills in preschoolers with developmental language disorder: a review for the awareness of educators and educational assistance professionals]. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva, 18(1), 161-174.