2024 - Vol. 18, Num. 1  

Analysis of the Impact of Co-teaching on Inclusion and Learning for Every

  Ana Luisa López-Vélez and Haizea Galarraga

Co-teaching opens new paths in the teaching and learning processes in the classroom. Among its potential benefits is personalized teaching, within the framework of inclusive education. This case study aims to analyze the impact that co-teaching practices can have on students; both in their academic performance and in their inclusion and sense of belonging, also observing its effect on those with special educational needs. Data were obtained through semi-structured interviews to teachers and support professionals from different educational stages of schools in Spain. Main results invite us to reflect on the way in which shared teaching responds to some of the challenges of the inclusive school, such as: personalized attention, relationships between teachers and students, coordination and cooperation between professionals Voices gathered in the analysis speak of an improvement in the students' academic results, a better coexistence and school climate and a change in the paradigms and traditional roles that make the day-to-day life of the classroom more inclusive.

  Key words  

Team teaching, Learning, Educational needs, Inclusion, Educational support.

 Complete Text  
  Full text in Spanish, PDF  
López-Vélez, A. L., & Galarraga, H. (2024). Análisis del impacto de la codocencia en la inclusión y el aprendizaje de todo el alumnado [Analysis of the impact of co-teaching on inclusion and learning for every]. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Inclusiva, 18(1), 89-104.