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Constructivist Teaching Practices in Sciences Classroom:
A Proposal of an Instrument of Analysis

This study presents an instrument to analyze the teaching practices in sciences classes. The instrument’s goal is to identify if the teaching presents a constructivist approach of the education. The system takes four dimensions into account: a) What the professors teach (educational contents), b) How they teach it (kind and duration of educational activities suggest to the students, attention to the prior knowledge, strategies of evaluation, participation and working organization of the students), c) What students actually do (cognitive activities and level of participation) and d) How professors and students interact (the communicative structure). This system considers two units of analysis: the episodes and the educational activities. The procedure of analysis is described through an example. With this instrument the educational practices can be described and thus the ongoing training needs identified. This would serve as a basis for proposing improvements with respect to what currently is done in the class.

Key words

Analysis of teaching practice, science education, constructivist strategies of teaching.

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Fernández, M.T., Tuset, A.M., Ross,G.P., Leyva, A.C. y Alvídrez, A. (2010). Prácticas Educativas Constructivistas en Clases de Ciencias. Propuesta de un Instrumento de Análisis. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 8 (1), pp. 26-44.
http://www.rinace.net/reice/numeros/arts/vol8num1/art2.pdf. Cited (Date).